Dreams do come true – for margarita lovers, that is! Imagine a man-made cloud that rains drops of premium tequila – on command no less. To experience this boozy delight, you’ll need to head to Berlin, where this amazing art installation is currently on exhibit. The tequila cloud was the genius idea of the Mexico Tourism Board, which teamed up with creative ad agency LAPIZ, to entice more German tourists south of the American border.
Apparently, Germans – like many other cultures — have a particular fondness for good tequila and are the world’s second largest consumers after the good old U.S.A.
Tequila cloud rains on demand
Last month at the Urban Spree Art Gallery, rain-drenched Berliners got a tasty reminder that it’s a bit sunnier over in Mexico. According to the LAPIZ team, the tequila cloud was synced with the local climate, so whenever it showered in Berlin, boozy droplets sprinkled from the cloud.
The high-tech stunt was made using ultrasonic humidifiers which vibrated tequila at a set frequency, transforming the liquid into a visible mist, which was condensed back into liquid form as it fell from the cloud. Tequila lovers could get their fix simply by holding their shot glasses under the cloud as it rained intoxicating droplets.
For those who didn’t feel like waiting for the cloud to rain, LAPIZ fashioned a handy spout beneath the installation, letting visitors pour themselves a shot of silver tequila anytime.
While it seems this inspired attraction was a one-off invention to lure more tourists from Germany, there remains hope that the Mexico Tourism Board will install a tequila cloud on their home turf one day. Until they do, visitors can rest assured that there is no shortage of artisanal reposados, silvers and anejos waiting to be enjoyed.
Tequila aficionados can take their passion to the source by visiting Mexico’s famed Tequila Trail, situated on the outskirts of Guadalajara in Jalisco. Here, you can learn about the milling, fermenting and distillation process from experts at Sauza, Jose Cuervo and La Cofradia, among other popular distilleries, and sample some of the region’s finest spirits.
More on the Mexico tequila cloud:
- Yahoo News, The Mexico Tourism Board made a cloud that rains tequila and we’re booking our flights now https://www.yahoo.com/news/mexico-tourism-board-made-cloud-011452583.html
- Huffington Post, Margarita Lovers, Behold: Someone Made A Cloud That Rains Tequila http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/cloud-that-rains-tequila_us_58d1e2cae4b02d33b746c510
- Urban Spree, Tequila Cloud http://www.urbanspree.com/event/tequila-cloud/