200 miles. 322 kilometers. It is a long distance to walk. Seaside Reservations owner Steve Schwab does the walk from Phoenix to Puerto Peñasco every year. Now into the fourth day, Steve is getting close to Gila Bend, Arizona. Why does he do it?
“Every year I personally walk from Scottsdale, Arizona to Puerto Peñasco to raise funds and awareness for the Mexico Children’s Foundation. All of the money raised goes directly into the Mexico Children’s Foundation to serve the less fortunate children in the communities served by Sea Side Reservations. We assist with medical care. Things like tests, medicine, even transportation out of town to see a specialist.”
Over the years, the list grows of the children helped by the foundation.
“The annual walk is an opportunity to make a statement that children are our future and no child should be left behind because of economics or medical challenge,” said Mr. Schwab. “Please join us! You can go to https://www.gofundme.com/MCFcharitywalk to make a tax deductible donation.” Currently, this year we have raised over $7,000 dollars!
Mr. Schwab lives in Scottsdale, Arizona and is the President of the Schwab Organization. His company operates the Sea Side Reservations and the Signature Vacation Rentals companies that manage short-term vacation rental properties in Mexico and the US respectively. He is also the founder and president of the Mexico Children’s Foundation providing financial support to children with medical needs.
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