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  • Mexican cuisine was declared an intangible heritage of humanity by UNESCO for a good reason

    food3It is increadible diverse, colorful and deliciously unforgettable. And many varieties of salsa undoubtedly hold an important place in it. In general Salsa may be divided into raw and cooked. Most popular raw ones are pica de gallo (diced tomatoes, onion, cilantro, chili serrano, salt and lime juice), fresh green salsa ( avocado, cilantro, any spicy chile, a little of onion or garlic, salt, lime juice, all blended together) and everybody’s favorite mango salsa ( diced fresh mango, spicy chile, cilantro, lime juice and salt).

    For the cooked salsa the vegetables usually baked and then ground in a “malcajette” a traditional stone kitchen tool. In the Yucatan Peninsula salsa with chile habanero, one of the spiciest, are really well appreciated.

    Is this chile spicy?

    food2Usually the answer on this question may be “not very”. If only we are not talking about habaneros – the most popular chile in the Yucatan Peninsula which is present here with every meal.

    There are a lot of exotic fruits vegetables and plants that are local in Mexico. Just a few examples of them are:

    Caimito. This exotic fruit has a bright purple color and is the size of an apple, it has texture similar to persimmon, juicy and delicate it has a pleasant taste and cooling effect.

    Maracuya. This jungle fruit is becoming more and more popular due to its unique aroma. It’s thick skin contains flavorful juice and seeds which are used for desserts, ice creams, drinks and can be just eaten fresh.

    Chaya. It is a leafy bush and in local gastronomy its fame is almost legendary. Chaya has more minerals, vitamins, fibers and nutrients then any plant. The leaves are used without stems and preferably when young and tender. Chaya may be added to drinks, omelets, corn dough for tortillas, panuchos, empanadas and also soups and salsas. It is very healthy, it charges you with energy and adds taste.

    You can purchase all of this in a few local markets in Playa Del Carmen.

    There are over 300 restaurants on the famous 5thAvenue in Playa Del Carmen. They represent food from all over the world.   A lot of them are specializing on serving authentic Mexican cuisine from different regions of the country. Please ask our Sea Side concierge for recommendations.